Ditch the Pinterest Pressures this Valentine's Day

Ditch the Pinterest Pressures this Valentine's Day

I started off with the intention of writing this post about some fun family Valentine's Day ideas. In my research I came across heart shaped pizzas, cookies and red and pink decorations. Sure, I could make cupcakes and fun crafts with my girls to decorate our house with. We could paint our nails pink and apply hydrating face masks together. There are a lot of cute ideas out there!

But let me tell you the truth...IT ALL SOUNDED EXHAUSTING.

It's ok to cook up a regular circle shaped frozen pizza, eat store-bought Valentine's Day cookies, and skip the decorations altogether. Nails can be bare, and the at home spa day can wait. Valentine's Day is on a Wednesday, and we all have work, afterschool activities and commitments. As parents, Valentine's Day rarely consists of dressing up, dinners out at trendy restaurants, followed by great sex all night. Nope, it's a day like any other except we've made sure each of our kids has assembled the 20+ valentines and brought them to school for their classmates.  We've volunteered at the parties, and/or donated the extra snacks and crafts. The thought of making a batch of cupcakes could quite honestly put me over the edge.  

It's here that I need to state I AM a romantic at heart. My Valentine fantasies DO consist of family bonding time under a heart banner and staring lovingly into my husband's eyes while we sip champagne and eat chocolate covered strawberries. But, my current life is less "Nice & Slow" by Usher and more "If You Love Me And You Know It Clap Your Hands". AND THAT'S OK! Let's normalize just having a great day. Tell your kids and partner that you love them a few extra times and read with them for a little longer before they go to bed. (We have some great book ideas from a previous post!) It's ok to skip the explosion of pink and hearts and extra work.

Our motto is to be kind to yourself, and I believe that extends to the holiday of love! So give yourself a break and Happy Valentine's Day!

Our gift to you is some Valentine's Day x Darling Renegade aesthetic to put a smile on your face! Check out our Pinterest page to save the images!

                       Valentine's Day Collage
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